BPA has supplied reliable, affordable and low-carbon wholesale electric power to customers serving retail consumers to the Pacific Northwest region for over 85 years. This tradition is rooted in the agency’s enabling legislation, and BPA looks forward to building on this legacy and affirming its status as the customers’ “Provider of Choice” for years to come.

As directed by Section 5(b) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, BPA is statutorily obligated to offer contracts to sell firm power to meet regional public power utilities and IOU customers’ power requirements in excess of their resources. Provider of Choice is BPA's regional effort to engage these customers and interested parties in a policy and contract-development process to gain an understanding of electric power needs and perspectives. This process establishes the long-term power sales policy and contracts that will follow the current Regional Dialogue contracts that expire in Sept. 2028. 

Visit the Provider of Choice Resources page for the current project timeline, milestone documents, and historical meeting materials. The Resources page also includes links to the Public Rate Design Process and other post-2028 processes.

timeline of provider of choice planning

Provider of Choice Timeline

Upcoming Meetings

Provider of Choice Workshop

BPA will hold a Provider of Choice workshop.

Meeting Materials

Provider of Choice Policies and Records of Decision

Questions/comments? Contact us at post2028@bpa.gov.