Image of windmills in a fieldThe LGIP provides for three increasingly-detailed study stages. The studies will explore and refine a design, and provide estimates for a plan of service to be defined in a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, following obligatory NEPA review. Each subsequent study requires the Customer to confirm the recommended and agreed-upon decisions arising from the previous stage. Examples of each study agreement template can be found here:
  • Interconnection Feasibility Study [FES]
  • Interconnection System Impact Study [ISIS]
  • Interconnection Facilities Study [FAS]
The three study agreements have their own unique required deposits and estimated timelines located in this guidance document. Upon completion of each study report, BPA will schedule a meeting with the Customer to discuss the results of the study and to obtain clarity on any outstanding issues. The meeting will be scheduled on the first available date for both parties to meet either in person at BPA’s Vancouver offices or via conference call. Study reports from existing Interconnection Requests, as well as many transmission system studies, may be requested. To request a copy of any generator interconnection study report, please email the interconnection request number(s) (e.g. G0234), along with your full name, title, company, mailing address and telephone number, to BPA Transmission Planning will then contact you with BPA’s non-disclosure requirements. Upon approval, a copy of the requested study or studies will be provided. Please contact the Interconnection Administrator with questions.
Reports LGIP Study Process Material Forms

BPA FERC Order 845 Study Report

Interconnection Request Queue

Attachment L (LGIP) 

Attachment N (SGIP)

Performance Metrics

Technical Requirements for Interconnection

Metering Application Guide

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Substation Equipment Arrangement Application

LGIP Request Form (App 1)

Attachment A to Appendix 1