The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) are evaluating implementation of the Kootenai River Nutrient Addition Project. BPA proposes to provide funding to MFWP for implementation of a pilot study intended to enhance depleted nutrient levels in the Kootenai River downstream of the Libby Dam Reservoir, Lake Koocanusa, in Lincoln County near Libby, Montana. The Reservoir acts as a phosphorous sink, limiting the amount of natural phosphorous in the river below Libby Dam. These low nutrient levels are responsible for the excessive growth of an algal diatom and low growth and survival rates of fish, including bull trout and rainbow trout, in the Kootenai River. The MFWP is the project sponsor and USACE operates Libby Dam. The project’s activities would include the installation of nutrient holding tanks and a delivery system inside and outside of Libby Dam; adding phosphorus above existing levels to the river; and monitoring the response of algae, invertebrates, and fish.


To understand the potential environmental impacts of this proposal, BPA, MFWP, and USACE may prepare a joint environmental assessment (EA) following the procedures of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). If BPA, MFWP, and USACE determine that an EA should be prepared, the EA would analyze the potential impacts from the proposed implementation of the project, as well as a no-action alternative in which BPA, MFWP, and USACE would not fund, implement, or permit the project. In addition, the EA would describe anticipated impacts to natural and human resources and identify mitigation measures to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts should they be identified. During this process, BPA, MFWP, and USACE would work with landowners, tribes, interest groups, and federal, state, and local agencies.
The proposed schedule for the environmental review is as follows:

Scoping comment period – August 27, 2024 to September 25, 2024

Public scoping meeting – September 10, 2024

EA determination (if warranted) – Spring 2025

Draft EA available for public comment (if warranted) – Spring 2025

Final EA (if warranted) – Fall 2025

Finding of No Significant Impact (if warranted) – Fall 2025
If approved, construction start – Winter 2025


BPA, MFWP, and USACE are requesting public scoping comments to help determine the issues that should be addressed in the environmental review. You may send us your comments for consideration as we analyze the issues. You may also attend an informal open-house meeting where we will answer questions and accept comments. The meeting will be held on: 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
5 – 7 p.m. 
Libby Dam Visitor Center
17877 MT Highway 37
Libby, MT 59923

Please send your comments by September 25, 2024, so they may be considered in the environmental review. When commenting, please refer to the full project name (“Kootenai River Nutrient Addition Project”). All comments will be posted on the BPA comment website.

There are several ways to comment:

Mail: Bonneville Power Administration
Public Affairs – DKE-7
P.O. Box 14428
Portland, OR 97291-4428

Toll-Free: 800-622-4519
Fax: 503-230-4019



For environmental information, contact:
Brenda Aguirre                                                 
Environmental Protection Specialist                    
Bonneville Power Administration – ECF-4
PO Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
Toll-free: 800-622-4519
Direct line: 503-230-5928

For project information, contact:
Greg Smith                                                           
Fish and Wildlife Policy and Planning                  
Bonneville Power Administration – EWP-4
PO Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
Toll-free: 800-622-4519
Direct line: 503-230-5049



Scoping comments received 
Public Letter August 27, 2024
Project Map August 27, 2024
Comment Form

Public Meeting Presentation Boards