The Columbian was on hand for the opening of the state-of-the-art Technical Service Building at BPA’s largest industrial service hub in Vancouver, Washington. 

The building and the work done there will play a critical role in BPA’s ongoing grid modernization efforts.

The Ross Complex in Vancouver, Washington, is the Bonneville Power Administration’s largest industrial service hub but also one of its oldest sites.  After more than 80 years of service from the old North and South Ampere Buildings on the campus, BPA celebrated the official opening of the new Technical Services Building on July 12. The TSB, which replaces several of the Ampere buildings functions, heralds in a new era of safer, more efficient work environments built with both employees and adaptability for the future in mind. 

The three-story, 60,000 square-foot facility can accommodate up to 170 staff, including some who will move in from offices that are currently leased off-site. The building and the work done there will play a critical role in BPA’s ongoing grid modernization efforts.

The Columbian was on hand for the dedication of the building and filed “Bonneville Power Administration’s Ross Complex celebrates new addition.” 

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