BPA has informed the region it is set to participate in the Western Power Pool’s binding Resource Adequacy Program.

“Resource adequacy is essential to assuring an adequate supply of power at a time when we are advancing the region’s clean energy future.”

BPA Administrator and CEO John Hairston

The Bonneville Power Administration issued a decision today that sets it on a path to participate in the final phase of the Western Resource Adequacy Program, referred to as the Phase 3B binding program.

“Resource adequacy is essential to assuring an adequate supply of power at a time when we are advancing the region’s clean energy future,” said Administrator and CEO John Hairston. “Ensuring we can adequately supply the power needs of our customers is fundamental to our mission. By participating in this program we will be able to leverage the region’s diverse energy resources and optimize our industry’s collective power planning efforts, both of which support BPA’s enduring commitment to reliable service and affordable rates.”

While BPA is committing to participate in the WRAP, its decision is dependent upon two conditions. First, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission must accept the WRAP Tariff filed by the Western Power Pool without modifications that are unacceptable to BPA. And second, a non-conforming participation agreement that is acceptable to BPA must be filed with and accepted by FERC. If these conditions do not occur, BPA would need to reconsider its participation.

BPA is currently participating in Phase 3A the WRAP’s non-binding phase. Leading up to its Phase 3B decision on the binding phase, BPA engaged customers and interested constituents to address the implications of its potential WRAP participation. Notably, BPA worked with customers and the Western Power Pool to find a collaborative solution to concerns related to BPA’s statutory obligations that customers raised as part of BPA’s public decision process. More information about these concerns is expressed through customer and constituent comments. Those comments are available on BPA’s public comment webpage.

Leading up to its first binding season in winter 2027-2028, BPA will continue to engage with customers and other interested constituents to keep them informed of implementation developments and their implications to BPA and customers.

“We have appreciated our customers’ engagement leading up to this decision,” said Senior Vice President of Power Services Suzanne Cooper. “Their input has helped to ensure our participation would benefit our customers and be consistent with BPA’s statutory requirements and obligations, paving the way for BPA to join this important regional program”

The decision letter is available on BPA’s Western Resource Adequacy Program webpage.

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