
Information & Reports

Learn more about investor relations, quarterly and annual reports, the Quarterly Business Review, budgets and financial planning. 

Debt Management Processes

Learn more about BPA's access to capital, debt optimization and power prepayment program.

McNary Dam

Financial Planning

Learn more about the Financial Plan Refresh and BPA's financial policies. 


Integrated Program Review

The Integrated Program Review allows interested parties to see and comment on all relevant Federal Columbia River Power System capital and expense spending level estimates in the same forum. 

Grand Coulee Dam

Asset Management

Find public materials on project synopses, strategic asset management plans and capital hydropower improvement projects.


Good financial health will allow BPA to continue to deliver on its multi-purpose mission, providing significant value to the Pacific Northwest and its citizens.

News & Events

Public Rate Design Methodology 2029 - Public Workshop

This workshop is one of a series to develop the Public Rate Design Methodology 2029.

Secure Proceedings Portal

On October 23, BPA will host a virtual only training on BPA’s new secure portal for rate and tariff proceedings. Prospective parties to the BP-26 rate case and TC-26 tariff proceeding are encouraged to attend.

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